#729V Jim Vest. Designed for sport weight yarn. Level: intermediate. Sizes 34 through 48. Years ago a young bass player came into our Nantucket shop and wanted to know if we would design a comfortable vest for him, with armholes that would not restrict his playing. My mother created Jim’s vest and named it after him. Knit on #5 needles, the back and front are exactly alike – Stockinette Stitch, adorned with panels of the Tree of Life, and finished with yokes in K1, P1 Raised Rib. The top edges of the neckline are hemmed down for facings. These patterns are slow to work and they require some attention; however the finishing is minimal as the ribbed yoke finishes the armhole edges, leaving only the side edges to be sewn. The Tree of Life, which is a handsome, ancient Aran pattern, requires a cable needle. Best for the intermediate knitter. The Tree of Life pattern shows to advantage in relatively smooth yarns; however the vest can be dressed up knit in alpaca, silk or wool/rayon blends or made casual, knit in Shetland, homespuns and cotton or wool blends.